50 Vocabulary words:


1. Transmute-to changes from one nature, form, substance, or state into another.

2. Galumph- to move in a clumsy manner or with a heavy tread.

3. impervious-impenetrable; also, not capable of being affected

4. cosmopolite- a cosmopolitan person

5. Eldritch- unearthly; weird; eerie.

6. Bibulous- of, pertaining to, marked by, or given to the consumption of alcohol.

7. Coruscate- to give off or reflect bright beams or flashes of light.

8. bete noire something or someone particularly detested or avoided.

9. Asseverate- to affirm or declare positively or earnestly.

10. Nefarious- wicked in the extreme.

11. perspicacity- clearness of understanding.

12. fainéant- doing not

13. Transmute-to changes from one nature, form, substance, or state into another.

14. Galumph- to move in a clumsy manner or with a heavy tread.

15. impervious-impenetrable; also, not capable of being affected

16. cosmopolite- a cosmopolitan person

17. Eldritch- unearthly; weird; eerie.

18. Bibulous- of, pertaining to, marked by, or given to the consumption of alcohol.

19. Coruscate- to give off or reflect bright beams or flashes of light.

20. bete noire something or someone particularly detested or avoided.

21. Asseverate- to affirm or declare positively or earnestly.

22. Nefarious- wicked in the extreme.

23. perspicacity- clearness of understanding.

24. fainéant- doing nothing; idle; also, a do-nothing.

25. Blackguard- a scoundrel.

26. Mellifluous- flowing sweetly or smoothly.

27. Mulct- to defraud.

28.Salubrious- healthful.

29. billet- to quarter, or place in lodgings.

30. Nepotism- favoritism shown to members of one's family.

31. Ambuscade- an ambush; also, to ambush.

32. Coquette- a flirt.

33. Parse- to analyze.

34. Quotidian- occurring daily; also, ordinary.

35. Cabal- a group that seeks power usually through intrigue.

36. Postprandial- happening or done after a meal.

37. Stygian- dark and gloomy; also, infernal.

38. Lumpen- those individuals cut off from their normal socioeconomic class.

39. Luculent- clear; easily understood.

40. Contemn- to scorn; to despise.

41. Magniloquent- lofty or grandiose in speech or expression.

42. Biddable- easily led or commanded; obedient.

43. Complement- something that fills up or completes.

44. Supervene- to take place or occur as something additional, extraneous, or unexpected.

45. Redoubt- a stronghold.

46. panegyric- an expression of formal or elaborate praise.

47. Fettle- a state or condition of fitness, order, or mind.

48. Atavism- reversion to a remote ancestral type or to an earlier form.

49. Supplicate- to make a humble and earnest petition.

50. Labile- open to change; apt or likely to change.

51. Frisson- a brief moment of intense excitement.

52. Manumit- to free from slavery or servitude.

53. Gravitas- high seriousness.

54. Irascible- easily provoked to anger.

55. Commination- a denunciation.

56. Acumen- quickness or keenness of perception or discernment.

57. Rictus- a gaping grin or grimace.

58. Ersatz- being a substitute or imitation.

59. Indelible- incapable of being removed or erased.

60. Beholden- obliged; indebted.

61. Captious- disposed to find fault or raise objections.

62. Schadenfreude- a malicious satisfaction in the misfortunes of others.

hing; idle; also, a do-nothing.

63. Blackguard- a scoundrel.

64. Mellifluous- flowing sweetly or smoothly.

65. Mulct- to defraud.

66. Salubrious- healthful.

67. billet- to quarter, or place in lodgings.

68. Nepotism- favoritism shown to members of one's family.

69. Ambuscade- an ambush; also, to ambush.

70. Coquette- a flirt.

71. Parse- to analyze.

72. Quotidian- occurring daily; also, ordinary.

73. Cabal- a group that seeks power usually through intrigue.

74. Postprandial- happening or done after a meal.

75. Stygian- dark and gloomy; also, infernal.

76. Lumpen- those individuals cut off from their normal socioeconomic class.

77. Luculent- clear; easily understood.

78. Contemn- to scorn; to despise.

79. Magniloquent- lofty or grandiose in speech or pression.

80. Biddable- easily led or commanded; obedient.

81. Complement- something that fills up or completes.

82. Supervene- to take place or occur as something additional, extraneous, or unexpected.

83. Redoubt- a stronghold.

84. panegyric- an expression of formal or elaborate praise.

85. Fettle- a state or condition of fitness, order, or mind.

86. Atavism- reversion to a remote ancestral type or to an earlier form.

87. Supplicate- to make a humble and earnest petition.

88. Labile- open to change; apt or likely to change.

89. Frisson- a brief moment of intense excitement.

90. Manumit- to free from slavery or servitude.

91. Gravitas- high seriousness.

92. Irascible- easily provoked to anger.

93. Commination- a denunciation.

94. Acumen- quickness or keenness of perception or discernment.

95. Rictus- a gaping grin or grimace.

96. Ersatz- being a substitute or imitation.

97. Indelible- incapable of being removed or erased.

98. Beholden- obliged; indebted.

99. Captious- disposed to find fault or raise objections.

100. Schadenfreude- a malicious satisfaction in the misfortunes of others.